Posted by The Business Boyz | Posted in | Posted on 22:28
We've all seen it, we've all even been part of it. Google, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Nameit! The tech giants of our days are all over the place. They are everywhere, they're rich and most of all, they're famous. Their founders are also making the biggest rich and famous headlines. Like we do with most celebrity, we envy them, we would like to be as rich and famous.
Launching a website and becoming a billionnaire in one year? Why not!?
You learn to program a website, or even better, you find someone who's able too. Aren't you a born leader afeter all? If Mark Zuckenberg did it, I sure can do it too!
Well the fact is... It's really not that simple.
Most of Web Startups fail really badly. Why?
Well, there are a few reasons for this phenomenon. Managing a website is quite similar to managing a business. You have to promote it, manage it, finance it, keep it up to date, etc... Like a business, every investment you make represents a risk and most of all, you can't have a really good site (with integrated ecommerce, videos, automatic subscription letters etc...) without spending a lot of money into it.
There is a rule that every entrepreneur learn when the first start a business. One business out of three survivein the business world after et 5 years periode. That rate becomes even higher after 10 years and we are still only talking about surviving the experience. We are not even considering the possibility of becoming rich and famous within 5 years.
Nowadays, people think that because they are on facebook and twitter and because they ear a few trendy terms about internet once in a while, they become Internet experts. (Look at how many people pretend to be 2.0 experts on Twitter and LinedIn.
You need it to go viral
Allright now please, stop pretending you know what makes something go viral. Saying that your video, blog, or whatever content it is, will go viral is almost like pretending you know what you'll get when rolling the dices. Chances are that even if you succeed in making a video go viral (which is by far the most frequent thing to go viral), you will not be able to represent your brand correctly through the video so it won't lead to a sale. Even better, the reason why the video went viral (violence, sex or whatever it is that makes video go viral in general) might damage your brand instead of promoting it the way it should.
By the way, if the reason why you wanna go forward with a web startup is because you think you just had the best idea ever, I suggest you take a look at the following video :
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